Recommended Toys for Babies from 0 to 12 months | Eebé Baby

Recommended Toys for Babies from 0 to 12 months

Recommended Toys for Babies from 0 to 12 months

A good toy can stimulate and encourage the development of your little one. That is why it is important to know how to choose the toys properly.

Babies (0-6 months)

In the first months of the baby towards the forth week of life, he is able to fix his eyes for a few moments on faces and objects , about 30 cm away. For this reason, you can start teaching them certain images, books or hanging rattles adapted to these ages.

At the end of the first trimester, the baby will be able to hold certain objects in their hands and put them in their mouth. That is why at this age, it is good to play with the baby with rattles that can emit some sound or that are made of plastic or cloth so that he can touch or suck.

During the following trimester up to 6 months, the baby gains skills in the hands, notably increase his visual capacity and begins to vocalize. It is time to show him his own image in the mirror, he will have loads of fun.


Toys that stimulate senses (Different colour, textures and sounds, such as activity rugs, rattles, cradle mobiles or cloth stories.)

The toys for very young children have to fulfill a series of characteristic:

  • Soft
  • Without small pieces
  • Different textures
  • Striking colours

This toys can attract your baby attention and help her development.

Toys that help to discover your baby's own body; teethers & rubber dolls

Babies (6-12 months)

Arriving at the end of the 6th month, the baby is able to stay seated between cushions, chatters and can only take the spoon, since his manual dexterity has developed quite a lot.

In order to continue stimulating these skills of the babies and encouraging them, we can play with them with plastic cubes of different colours, walkers, jumper balls or shapes that roll, mirrors and toys for the bathroom.

Up to 9 months, the baby will learn to turn around, discover the sensation of biting (Most baby start to have their first teeth around this period), the diversity of sounds and music begin to attract their attention, he is already capable to release an object to take another one for themselves and like to drop the toys. This is the stage where they usually develop a particular affection towards a stuffed animal, toys or blankets.

Children learn by playing at this stage. To play with them, we can use stack-able cubes, which can be put inside each other, toys with wheels, texture tales with different drawings.

During the last trimester of their first year of life, they will begin to crawl forward and try to stand up with some supporting areas. Endless possibilities are open up to them.

In addition, they will already understand simple concepts such as inside and outside, likes to put and take things, learn to say goodbye, likes to play ball and is able to return when they are playing, as well as starting to perfect the spoken language.


  • Toys that stimulate the exploration of objects: balls, cloths, cardboard stories and any toy that can grab and explore.
  • Toys that stimulate movement: easy to grasp, seesaws, simulators of crawling.
  • Toys that stimulate affection: stuffed animals, rag dolls.

If you use walker for your baby, always ensure the safety before your baby starts to play!


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